Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Corn on the Cob From the Fair.....BUTTER

I heard a rumor that this was the last year that "they" were going to have the OC Fair??? Please tell me it isn't true! Not only is it the only time that I eat whatever I want for entire evening, but we have seen some amazing concerts there too. Last year we saw Ziggy Marley, year before was Steve Miller Band, year before Pato Banton. I really hope they don't get rid of both the fair and the concert arena. Sad.

I love fair food. Most of it. Some of it is just flat out weird. Like chocolate covered bacon. Or fried butter. My stomach is churning just thinking about it. James ate fried Oreos this year and told me they were delicious, but that sounds awful to me as well. I did, however, eat a fried White Castle once. It was delicious. And then awful. I do LOVE the BBQ at the fair too. But if there is one fair food that takes the cake for's the CORN!

I don't know what it is about this corn that is oh so delicious. But I have a few ideas I would like to put to the test. A) It's grilled in the husk. I have yet to master this task. B) It's dunked in a bucket of hot hot butter. I feel like I can rub enough butter on mine to get the same effect. C) There is a table of condiments and toppings to put on. I, too, can have these condiments.

Cheesy Factor (1 no cheese, 10 all cheese): 1 or 2 (optional cheese)
Dummy Factor (1 easiest, 10 hardest): 2
Time Factor (1 shortest, 10 longest): 2

Hot-Buttered Grilled Corn
4 ears of corn
1 stick of butter
Cayenne Pepper
Garlic Salt
Parmesan Cheese

Pre-heat grill. Shuck corn and place in a piece of tinfoil that is large enough to wrap around corn and seal tight. On the inside of each sheet of tinfoil, smear large amounts of butter. Then season the butter with salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, garlic salt, and Parmesan cheese (also could use mayo, lemon pepper, cajun, etc.). Then wrap tinfoil around corn so that all the toppings are corn-side in. Make sure tinfoil is sealed closed or at least over-lapped some, so that butter doesn't spill out when melted. Place corn on grill and grill for 20-25 minutes, or until cooked through.  

So let's be honest, I have no idea how long to cook corn. It feels like about 20-30 minutes when I do it. But one thing I learned: start the corn early, before anything else. It will stay super super hot in the tinfoil long after you take it off the grill, so you can't really make it too early.

I'm sure there are other ways to grill corn. I'm sure they are good. But this is the way I do it because I like the toppings and butter to be sealed in with the corn. And I like grilled corn. And aside from having a bucket of butter on the stove that I can dip my corn in, this is a pretty decent alternate without killing our arteries TOO much. Ha!

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